
2024-07-11 23:25:08


Research on Influence of Increasing in Value of RMB on Securities Market of China and the Countermeasure
Abstract:China has started the well-supervisory floating rates system which was based on supply and demand in the market and adjusted by a basket of currencies, since July 21, 2005.
The USD was no longer the only foreign currency around which RMB exchange rate stuck. There is a more flexible system of RMB exchange rate.
According to the purchasing-power evaluation of China and international situation, marketization of RMB exchange rate is an irresistible general trend.
Increasing in value of RMB and the expectation of more increasing will bring influence upon entire economy of China, and as a securities market which is easy to be cashed and with excellent flowability, the risk is self-evident.
The securities market of China is in the phase of getting mature, so that paying attention to the influence of increasing in value of RMB on it, and arising countermeasures relative to the the present situation of China's securities market mean much to healthy development of China's securities market.
Key words: Increasing in Value of RMB, Securities Market,Countermeasure, Influence, Countermeasure


RMB appreciation on China's securities market and the impact of Countermeasures
Abstract: Since July 21, 2005, China began to implement the basis of market supply and demand, with reference to a basket of currencies conditioning, a managed floating exchange rate system. RMB exchange rate will no longer be pegged to the U.S. dollar and a more flexible RMB exchange rate mechanism. From China's purchasing power parity and the international situation, the RMB exchange rate market is the general trend. RMB revaluation or appreciation of China's economy will be expected to have all affected, and as the realization of easy and highly mobile in the securities market, risk is self-evident. China's securities market is in a gradual move towards the stage of maturity and timely appreciation of the RMB to its attention the impact of view of the current status of China's stock market raised the corresponding countermeasures to the healthy development of China's securities market is of great importance.
Key words: appreciation of the renminbi; securities markets; impact of countermeasures


The influence and the counterplan research of RMB appreciation to Chinese stock market Summary:since July 21th in 2005, the our country starts practice to take the market supply as the foundation and consults a sub- currency to carry on the floating rate of exchange system that regulates,has the management.Renminbi rate of exchange no longer has eyes fixed on single US$, becoming the renminbi rate of exchange mechanism of the more rich flexibility.From current our country the purchasing power proper price and international situation see, the market of renminbi rate of exchange's turn is an irresistible general trend. The appreciation of renminbi or revalue again the expectation will to our country the economy produces the all-directions influence, but the conduct and actions becomes now easily and mobility very high stock market, the risk is also obvious.The our country stock market is be placed in gradually the stage of head into the mature period, well timed concern renminbi revalue as to it's the influence for produce, the present condition that aims at currently the Chinese stock market puts forward the homologous counterplan, hasing the very and important meaning to the healthy development of the our country stock market.


Since July 21, 2005, China began to implement the basis of market supply and demand, with reference to a basket of currencies conditioning, a managed floating exchange rate system. RMB exchange rate will no longer be pegged to the U.S. dollar and a more flexible RMB exchange rate mechanism. From China's purchasing power parity and the international situation, the RMB exchange rate market is the general trend. RMB revaluation or appreciation of China's economy will be expected to have all affected, and as the realization of easy and highly mobile in the securities market, risk is self-evident. China's securities market is in a gradual move towards the stage of maturity and timely appreciation of the RMB to its attention the impact of view of the current status of China's stock market raised the corresponding countermeasures to the healthy development of China's securities market is of great importance.