
2024-07-11 23:31:36

Count Dracula (Dracula, or translated into nine Le Cho), a prototype from the medieval Grand Duchy of Vlad III of Wallachia, whose nickname was Tepes (�0�9epe�0�6, meaning thorn stick). Vlad III in 1456 to 1462 the Romanian ruled the area now. Enemy at the time the Ottoman Turks had seen 20,000 people before the castle Dracula to be inserted in the office by spear rot, which was the scene of evil is scared run away. Although most people Dracula as the fictional bloodthirsty monster, but the Romanians regard him as a national hero, and the enemy of the Prince Dracula was seen in the history of his music into a folk tale in the evil vampire.德古拉伯爵(Dracula,或译为卓九勒),原型来自中世纪时的瓦拉几亚大公弗拉德三世,其外号为采佩什(�0�9epe�0�6,意为刺棒)。弗拉德三世在1456年至1462年间统治现在的罗马尼亚地区。当时的敌军奥斯曼土耳其人曾在德拉库拉城堡前看见两万人被插在长矛上任由其腐烂,而被这令人作恶的景象吓得拔腿就跑。尽管多数人将德拉库拉视为虚构的嗜血怪物,但罗马尼亚人视他为民族英雄,而德拉库拉王子的敌人很乐见于历史将他变成民间故事中邪恶的吸血鬼。 希望有用,谢谢